Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Adam Wolf's first blog post

When I signed up for this intensive, I was not exactly sure what to expect. This was my emotion all the way through around midday Monday, when I had the epiphany; Wow, I’m going to be in a play! I was very excited (and still am happy) about being in my first HPS production, because the schedule of HPS conflicts with my other duties. But once we were significantly in the production, I realized the difficulty of starting from scratch to putting on a performance in 18 days. And I became fearful for the sake of the entire class.

However, the next day, I was surprised to notice that most people were off-book (for the most part) on their monologues, and I had the misfortune of focusing on other aspects of the play that were not memorization. In short, I was that guy who went up on the stage with his script and was reading off of it for about half the time and stumbling through some parts I thought I knew.

I decided, however, that I should actually be a bit easier on myself, but nonetheless push myself to learn my monologues for the sake of the play. And I did. T'was intense.

All in all, this has been an enjoyable experience and I’m excited for the rest of it!

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