Tuesday, November 29, 2011

In the Beginning

So it's only been two days but already I think that things are going rather well. Our progress so far has somewhat allayed my fears about being unable to accomplish what we need to in such a short time. I am also very happy about the class itself on many levels. Though there is work, I just wrote a 1400 word character sheet... the class is a lot of fun. Acting is just about my favorite thing to do, and it is nice to get out of other classes that I don't like as much. Additionally, the group of people is wonderful. For all that he does am am convinced that Mr L is a superhuman; I knew and loved many of the people in the class beforehand and am pleasantly connecting with those I don't know as well. Emotionally, the material has yet to take a major toll on me as we have not reached the parts of the play or our own ability to cause those emotions yet; however the daily discussions we've had have been incredibly interesting, the conversation today before lunch i particularly enjoyed. anyway I'm rambling but I'm totally loving this class and the people in it!

1 comment:

  1. So I can only figure out how to comment onto somebody else's blog, but here I am. For the first two days, I've been really impressed and somewhat intimidated by the people working around me. EVERYONE has amazing talent, and it blows me away the amount of the lines that so many already have memorized. I really enjoyed working on the poster! It will be really awesome to see something I've been working on appear on some pretty paper! You will all be very impressed when I'm all done with it. Just you wait.

    For this play, I made myself a goal that I'm striving to keep-- to truly understand ALL of my characters. This means to go beyond in terms of background, character sheets, then (always the thing I forget about) objectives, pesty obstacles, and all those many tactics. In theatre, I always have a difficult time to "think" like my character does at all times, but If you think about it (heha, punny aint it) I often times just do things without thinking about it (i.e. brushing my teeth). And it's that sort of thinking that causes Aaron and Russell to do what they do. For a moment, they don't think. They act.

    Someone told me once that, "we have a constitutional right to be stupid". But what if in our stupidity, a moment of not thinking if you will, we do something that is punishable by the law. I don't know if it is entirely fair. I believe that laws need to exist to avoid corruption and chaos, but should the law ever forgive. It's really left up to those 12 jurors isn't it? In a way, we decide (or a portion of us) what is right and wrong.

    The law is highly manipulable, and perhaps if Russell was rich and had greater influence on the town- he would have not been sentenced to two consecutive life terms.

    It's a strange thing, this law of ours.
