Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Second Post!

Today we read opinions off of a VERY conservative website. And something strange hit me. The way that many of us feel about the opinions of these conservatives is exactly the way they feel about our opinions. Criticizing these people and writing them off as horrible is exactly the opposite of what the play teaches. While the play would like to help these people become more tolerant, it doesn't want to persecute them. While I can say that I completely disagreed with and was appalled by most everything those people said, I was a little frightened to see how easily some immediately wrote them off as completely awful human beings. With this kind of attitude towards anyone (even if they are "wrong"), we as a society can never achieve the peaceful attitude of live and let live.

1 comment:

  1. I am totally guilty for reacting so quickly to this and I am sorry to the group, I guess I was just really struck by the words of these people but our words do sound like that to them as well. Jamie raises an extremely important point in our society and is right when she says that we need to be more careful when saying the first thing on our mind. Once again I am sorry.
