Thursday, December 1, 2011

Feeling closer to my characters..and my fellow actors

I feel differently than I did before..not as emotionally drained when I go home and all. And I'm not saying that I've lost my strong feelings about the material, or that the intensity has lost its punch..I think it's that now I've learned to channel most of that energy into my performance, and I'm beginning to feel closer to my characters. I'm taking what I'm feeling personally about the subject matter and transferring it over to when I'm onstage. It's like what Nya said earlier. For certain lines, it doesn't even feel like you're acting, like you have to say this certain line in this certain way, like you have to make sure you get the meaning across to the audience. You're not thinking about any of that. You're saying the line, yes, but sometimes, what you're saying almost matches your own beliefs perfectly. I feel like this about Zubaida's second speech.
I feel like I'm talking to people that I've not had the chance to really see much this year, which is nice, but I'm also getting to know some new people that I haven't talked with much before. Like everyone else said, it really is true that I feel comfortable with our entire group, like I can easily have a conversation with anyone. Thanks for that, everyone.

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