Friday, December 9, 2011


I guess I can say that we go through it. Coming away from this run through today I feel that there is still something missing, not to my characters but to the production itself. Yes I still need some costume pieces and yes I still need to go over some lines that I continue to hesitate when saying, but I still feel that the performance is not, um, I guess I will use the word....complete. Overall we all need some review, including me, and I feel that as next week comes around the nerves of tech week will transfer into a much deeper and emotional performance --- this will in turn allow the performance to feel natural and will hopefully allow the audience to deeply invest themselves in our performance. It is good that we are at the place we are now instead of say Monday because if we were doing our first run through next week I would definitely start to worry. I go into this weekend hoping to get well rested and to keep reviewing lines as I start to get excited for our final product that we have worked so hard on for these past two weeks.

Peace out A-town down....dial DD cause this dopshaw is over and out.

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