Thursday, December 1, 2011

New Perspectives

ok so i finally got this to work! so we just finished watching the movie of 'the Laramie Project' around five minutes ago, and I just thought that I would share my thoughts on it. For me, I found myself almost become hypnotized by it, almost taken aback. The reason for that is because, the opening scene IS Laramie, Wyoming. It's not a picture or a piece of artwork, it's the real thing. The people of Larmamie you can actually imagine sitting down to talk to these interviewers, and in some cases, some of the struggles they faced to get people to talk to them, i.e. when the man slammed the door in the face of someone from the company asking to speak with someone about the event. Seeing this production done in a new way and with new people gave a new spin to it. Things that we blocked were different, like the locations of interviews were depicted to a greater extent, but at the same time some people in the class found that they were acting like the people in this town, which was fasinating to me. I found myself reciting people's lines in my head from hearing them over the past few days,  and being able to see them through someone else was a really cool experience.

Overall, I thought that the movie was a good thing to watch after all the hard work we have been doing recently. I am so happy to be working with everyone and be progressing with everyone, and I know that this show is really going to affect people in a really positive way.

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