Monday, December 5, 2011

Today we had a conversation about the death penalty. And I'm not posting to vent or preach my position because I don't feel like this is the place for that and I really have no desire to do so seeing as my opinion as currently in the process of forming. But, I would like to say that through our debate, I was exposed to many sides of the argument that I had never thought of. Caroline brought up the position that came from an emotional place. I had never even considered this because whenever I am debating or trying to come to a conclusion about any topic, I take a purely rational stance. I completely remove myself emotionally from the situation and think, logistically, what makes the best sense. While this trait may seem helpful, it prevents me from seeing the very important side that Caroline brought up (thank you for doing so!). She made me think, how would I feel about the death penalty if someone close to me was killed? Would I want revenge? Would I only feel safe knowing that the perpetrator was gone from the earth? For a girl who hates all things emotion, I was glad to finally have to face my emotional side and learn that it can actually come in handy.

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