Monday, December 5, 2011

Week 2

So, like everyone's been saying, this whole process is beginning to make us pretty tired. I feel it too, I bet we all do. But just like what the others said, this is the time where we HAVE to focus the most. And I know we can do it. I'm interested to see how Act 3 will go tomorrow.

Our conversation about the death penalty today was really striking to me. I know some other people said this, and I completely agree when I say that this is one topic I can't seem to pick one side on. I think Caroline H said something that summed up how I felt pretty well: Usually I can be pretty opinionated, but when it comes to this, I find myself wavering between both sides. I actually think having a sort of heated debate like that one was really cool. We all listened to each other, and I don't know about everyone else, but I came out of it with some totally new ideas to consider that I'd never even thought about now I REALLY don't know what side I'm on. Then again, I was you always have to be on ONE side of any given argument? Is it so bad to be in the middle, and STAY in the middle? I don't know. Just some thoughts going through my head.

I guess this post wasn't too philosophical or full of any epiphanies. But maybe some will come up later..I'll be sure to keep you updated :P

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